High Impact Technology Exchange Conference

Preparing America's Skilled Technical Workforce


You are invited to become a sponsor of HI-TEC 2023!

To become a sponsor, contact Russ Read.

Why should you sponsor this conference?

  1. The conference attracts attendees from 40 or more states and between 40 and 50% are first-time attendees.
  2. Participants represent multiple sectors of America’s skilled technical workforce.
  3. Between 70 and 80% are involved in technical education at community colleges.
  4. Attendees specify, recommend, and authorize purchases of goods and services to support technical programs.

All sponsors will be prominently displayed on the conference website and in conference materials. Additionally, sponsors can construct a landing or splash page that can be directly monitored to impact placement.

Interested in sponsoring? See the levels and details below.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

  • 8 registrations
  • Exhibit space
  • Exposure on sponsor page and link to company website
  • Exposure in email blast
  • An email list of all attendees
  • 60-second video introducing a featured speaker
  • 6 registrations
  • Exhibit space
  • Exposure on sponsor page and link to company website
  • Exposure in email blast
  • 3 registrations
  • Exhibit space
  • Exposure on sponsor page and link to company website
  • Exposure in email blast